Bulletin n. 1/2017
June 2017
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Carbone Sergio M.
    Discriminazioni sulla base dell’età tra principi generali UE e criteri applicativi
    in Studi sull'integrazione europea , Anno XII, n. 1, gennaio-aprile ,  2017 ,  23-32
    Cases of age discrimination have been brought before the EU Court of Justice (EUCJ) especially with regard to employment relationships. As it arises from such jurisprudence, said cases have been usually decided relying upon international law, and in particular on the European Convention of Human Rights and its protocols, as well as on Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation. On this premise, this paper aims at analyzing the abovementioned case law focusing on some of the most recent decisions rendered by the EUCJ with a view to verifying (i) which are the reasons behind the justifications envisaged by Directive 2000/78/EC for derogating from the prohibition of age discrimination (ii) which are the circumstances triggering the lawful application of such justifications and (iii) how these justifications operate in practice and in which kind of jobs they are most likely to become relevant.
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