Bulletin n. 3/2014
February 2015
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Malaret i García Elisenda
    Le malaise de la globalisation, la crise économique et les déséquilibres dans la structure des pouvoirs de décision. Por un constitutionnalisme économique européen ouver
    in Revue européenne de droit public , Vol. 25, N. 1 ,  2013 ,  183-231
    This paper studies the impact of the economic crisis on public institutions and public law. It focuses on procedures and decision-making bodies. It examines this context in relation to specific models of the functioning of democracies. It is articulated along three axes: the relationship between different levels of power, the relationship between Parliament and government and the relationship between political bodies and technocratic organisations. The basic idea consists in showing how the emergence of norms has been dominated by the idea of reducing the ability of Member States and of political institutions in general, to frame their decisions without completing this operation through an attribution of decisional power to a European institution. This operation is thus incomplete as far as its usefulness in order for European political and economic integration to be reinforced is concerned, given that it limits the parties' decisional capacity without increasing the decisional capacity as a whole.
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