Bulletin n. 1-2/2014
November 2014
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Rachel A. Epstein and Wade Jacoby
    Eastern Enlargement Ten Years On: Transcending the East–West Divide?
    in Journal of Common Market Studies , Volume 52, Issue 1, January 2014 ,  2014 ,  1-16
    This introduction summarizes the findings of nine research articles that examine the consequences of the European Union's eastern enlargement ten years on. The volume reaches three surprising conclusions: since 2004, the EU's economic effects have been more far-reaching than its political effects; all of the new Member States (NMS) have had problems with democratic consolidation; and, despite four years of intense crisis in the eurozone, both the EU's enlargement and neighbourhood-shaping efforts have continued. We set these economic, political and institutional developments in the context of the long-standing east–west divide in Europe, and ask whether EU membership for post-communist countries upends the continent's traditionally persistent divisions. Notable achievements of EU enlargement notwithstanding, the volume points to the continuing important differences between east and west and highlights the issue areas in which the EU transcends but also reinforces the centuries-old partition.
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