Bulletin n. 2-3/2013
February 2014
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Häberle Peter
    Federalismo e regionalismo come pluralismo territoriale e divisione dei poteri culturali
    in Italian Papers on Federalism , n. 2/2013 ,  2013
    The «plurality of political power of governance» in federal State (K. STERN) can only be scientifically understood whilst adopting a pluralistic model, such as the «mixed» federal theory of the State. Furthermore, it requires the comprehension of federalism as science of culture, as a frame for all the various «mixtures» and constitutional experiments of which (cultural) federalism has the opportunity to be a laboratory. Federalism and culture go so tightly together, that the plastic concept of «cultural federalism» is current in Germany, where this fitting expression faithfully and communicatively reflects the ongoing connection between culture and Federal State. Hence, the «open culture concept» (offenes Kulturkonzept) and the «pluralism of culture carriers» (kultureller Trägerpluralismus). Far from constituting mere «constitutional folklore», the Länder?s cultural sovereignty represents the «soul» of federalism. The same applies to regionalism as well. Especially in the context of a globalized world, it is the protection of cultural identity that saves individuals from a purely economic-oriented approach, on one hand, and from cultural uniformity in the world market, on the other. The man, and citizen, literally falls into a bottomless pit, unless he is able to claim in situ, on each level (municipal, regional, national, European) of his cultural homeland, that part of his own identity he gets from culture. Fundamental freedoms are themselves cultural freedoms at heart. Thematically and systematically recalling his pioneering Kulturverfassungsrecht im Bundesstaat (1980), the Author of this essay (here presented in Italian translation) follows the tracks of cultural constitutional law along the different stages of textual evolution (Textstufenparadigma) in federal and regional systems, in a compared perspective and particularly focusing on the expressive richness displayed by Italian regional Statutes.
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