Bulletin n. 3/2011
February 2012
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Parolari Sara, Valdesalici Alice
    La riforma dell’ordinamento finanziario in Italia tra autonomia e solidarietà
    in Revista d'Estudis Autonomics i Federals , 14 ,  2011 ,  67-113
    This paper focuses of the so-called “fiscal federalism” reform that was introduced in Italy with the “legge delega” No. 42 of 2009 in order to implement article 119 of the Italian Constitution. Currently, this reform is undergoing an intricate process of implementation mainly assigned to a series of legislative decrees issued by the Italian Government. The aim of this paper is to analyze the reform of the Italian financial system, approaching the subject matter both from the perspective of the sources of law, and from the substantial content of the legal provisions. Analysis will highlight problems arising from the implementation process, with a focus on the main differences between Regions with ordinary statute, on the one hand, and Regions with special status/autonomous Provinces, on the other hand. The outcome will be a highly asymmetrical fiscal structure rooted in an extremely differentiated legal system. Full text available at: http://www10.gencat.cat/drep/binaris/_reaf14_Parolari_Valdesalici_tcm112-180566.pdf
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