Bulletin n. 1/2009
July 2009
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Carlucci Francesco
    Hamdi Dahir. Cooperazione sociale ed economica in Africa orientale
    in Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali , Volume 75, n. 4, ottobre-dicembre ,  2008 ,  515-533
    Several Countries forming that part of the world we call Eastern Africa: Somalia, Kenya, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, are often taken into consideration by mass-media because of bloody and devastating wars, but these subjects are dealt with at length by magazines, books and other means of communication. Public opinion is appropriately informed. On the contrary, we believe that the following topic, directly originating from this situation, is quite interesting: the attempt of overcoming this state by means of the social and economic co-operation, realized through the institution of a supranational intergovernmental authority, the Igad (Intergovernmental Authority on Development), with the charge of fostering the human development of seven Countries in Eastern Africa, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Eritrea and Djibuti (a group of Countries called «Greater Horn of Africa») in a co-ordinated way. The paper illustrates this topic. Its first part shows the current conditions of the seven countries. The existing war situation is summarized, which is originated by the past European colonization, the current geopolitical aims of at least three great powers (the United States of America, Russia and China) and some specific characters of the States in that Region after their independence. Afterwards, the problems caused by the utilization of the Nile waters are exposed and three sections define the main aspect of human development in the seven Countries: one on demography, health and nutrition; one further on education, environment and infrastructures; a third on economy. The second part of the paper analyzes the structure of economic, social and political co-operation in the Region; Igad’s objectives together with the first results as well as the efforts made to solve the conflicts by means of an early warning system, addressed to prevent them, are described. Afterwards, the main problems that the co-operation initiatives should solve are shown, stressing the importance of Nile waters as the chief water resource, and of the infrastructural, trade, health, energy, agricultural and zootechnical policies. The process of co-operation in Eastern Africa is difficult and long, but onlythat can give the hope of solving the problems that face the ountries in the Region.
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