Bulletin n. 1/2008
May 2008
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Cailmail Benoît, Perier Miriam
    Lorsqu’un conflit local s’intègre dans la guerre globale au terrorisme : le cas des maoïstes du Népal
    in Cultures & Conflits , numero 68, hiver ,  2007 ,  127-146
    The Nepalese political crisis linked to the relative success of the People’s War launched by the Maoist movement in February 1996 has pushed the fragile Nepalese government and democracy into a sort of decadence and chaos. Political institutions, already weak, were forced to leave rural areas. This loss of control and legitimacy of political institutions, far from facilitating the settlement of the conflict via the political means and negotiations, strengthened the rebels but also offered to the Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) and King Guyanendra, Supreme chief commander of the army a form of power that became even more difficult to oppose, whether nationally, regionally or internationally, at least at the early stage of the conflict. The RNA was mobilized after seven years of conflict in order to start negotiations with the rebels. But rapidly, its repressive role replaced this aim. This paper argues that the Nepalese case shows the interconnection between the local and the international, in particular with regards to the consequences of international policies launched by a few states on local politics that were a priori disconnected from “international terrorism” and the war against the so called phenomenon. The paper will show the consequences of the application of the label “terrorists” to the Maoists rebels, in terms of international aid, regional relations and everyday life of the Nepalese people. Nepal presents an excellent example of the impossibility to consider a so called “peripherical” conflict without observing regional and international links often that are at the heart of dynamics of violence. Free text available on-line: http://www.conflits.org/index6243.html.
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