Bulletin n. 1/2008
May 2008
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Casini Fabio
    La comunità internazionale nell'era del terrorismo globale
    in Politico (Il) , n. 216, anno LXXII, settembre-dicembre ,  2007 ,  21-62
    ABSTRACT: The States debating on international security have to face an extremely alarming horizon. Two new elements characterize the present scenery: global Islamic terrorism and escalation of nuclear proliferation. The greatest danger is that terrorist organizations could obtain nuclear weapons.Nowadays there isn’t a regional and localized terrorism but a new one with its generalized trans-national dimension, without frontiers and which is not easy either to identify or to cut off suddenly. Terrorism aims to destabilize countries and people, dominate media, politicians and Intelligence. Generally speaking, terrorism tries to unhinge international balances.We have to face a global terrorism which begets a globalized fear and threatens democracy and human rights. It is not easy for International Community to fight so an aberrant enemy. The United States , Russia , China , India , the pro-occidental regimes of the Islamic world, the European Union and, above all, the United Nations, have to create a security network in order to entrap the perils of terrorism all over the world.It is necessary to create a defensive and preventive system simultaneously based on force and cohesion between democratic governments, harmonization of the national legislations on terrorism, and intensive talks with Islamic countries.It’s a process which needs time and perseverance: some steps have been achieved but it’s indispensable that International Community tries hard to do something else.
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