Bulletin n. 3/2006
December 2006
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Cohen Antonin
    De la révolution nationale à l'Europe fédérale. Les métamorphoses de la troisième voie aux origines du mouvement fédéraliste français : La Fédération (1943-1948)
    in Mouvement Social (Le) , n° 217, Octobre-décembre 2006 ,  2006 ,  53-72
    Retracing the origins of the French movement La Fédération, this article aims at illustrating the metamorphosis of the personalist and communitarian third way in the 1940s : from « corporatism » to « federalism ». One of the first and main movements mobilizing in favour of a united Europe, La Fédération is also a product of the investments that paved the way for a national revolution under the Vichy regime. Analyzing the regroupings and reconversions which favoured the ideological and practical continuities of the third way, this article more generally aims at questioning the structure of political cleavages that arose in the postwar period regarding the European issue.
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