Bulletin n. 3/2006
December 2006
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Kastoryano Riva
    Vers un nationalisme transnational. Redéfinir la nation, le nationalisme et le territoire
    in Revue française de science politique , Volume 56, Numéro 4, Août ,  2006 ,  533-554
    Ethnic and religious communities similar to " embryonic nations " within nation states, as well as shared loyalties their members relying on transnational solidarities generate new type of nationalism that is transnational. It is expressed and developed beyond and outside the borders of a single state and its territory, and that arouses nationalist sentiments in both home and host countries, and beyond ; but most important creates new expressions of belonging and a political engagement that reflects the nationalization of communitarian sentiments guided by an " imagined geography ". This article questions if transnational nationalism — non territorial — can be considered as a new — historical — step in the development of nationalism. How this new type of nationalism gives new strength to the national question and becomes an issue of legitimacy in the international system ?
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