Bullettin n. 1/2011
June 2011
  • Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government
  • Section B) Global governance and international organizations
  • Section C) Regional integration processes
  • Section D) Federalism as a political idea
  • Gillian Brock
    How Does Equality Matter?
    in Journal of Social Philosophy , Vol. 42, n°1 ,  2011 ,  76-87
    In "Global Justice", I develop a cosmopolitan model of global justice that takes seriously the the equal moral worth of persons, yet leaves scope for defensible forms of nationalism along with other legitimate identifications and affiliations. In this article I focus on how equality matters in my account and critically engage also with Richard Miller's and Darrel Moellendorf's positions on how equality matters for global justice, as discussed in their important new books.
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